
Time schedule

Saturday, 16. August 2025

Uhrzeit Was Info
19.00 „warm up / Paddock - Party“

Sunday, 17. August 2025

Time What Info
09.30 Fly in Air
10.00 Parachute - Tandem
Model - Flight
10.30 Formations - Flight
10.45 Demo - Flight„VL3“ TB 30 Epsilon
11.00 Aerobatics „Pitts S 1“
11.15 Parachute - Tandem
Model - Flight
11.30 Formations - Flight
11.45 Demo - Flight „VL3“ TB 30 Epsilon
12.00 Parachute - Tandem
Model - Flight
12.15 Formations - Flight
12.30 Demo - Flight „VL3“ TB 30 Epsilon
12.45 Parachute - Tandem
Model - Flight
13.00 Aerobatics „Pitts S 1“
13.15 Formations - Flug
13.30 Demo - Flight „VL3“
1. Fly out
TB 30 Epsilon
13.45 Reconstruction of the runway
14.00 START Race

all day helicopter sightseeing flights!
In the paddock there is a separate course for kart / car models

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Mobil +49 151 54 64 16 58